Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 4-178.5lbs

I am only 178.5lbs, once again 1/2 pound gone. It's almost 10 at night and all day I didn't eat except lettuce with lemon. I'm hoping that if I include exercise I will lose more weight. I guess after a while weight loss does slow down. As long as I walk everywhere, I will be good (because I hate exercising!).  Yesterday and today I didn't get any headaches or any other side effect. So I'm happy, I don't even feel hungry right now.

Around 5 a.m. is when my step dad's family is coming. Ugh. They are the types to come into a quiet house and let everybody know they are their by being really loud so after this I'm going straight to sleep. Good night!

sorry for the small post.


  1. I hate exercising too. I am trying to get back into it so I can focus purely on weight loss for the rest of the time I have left. I am just waiting for the gym to open up in the mornings, which will be happening soon.

    I am so inspired by you. i feel like going your fast/restriction. I know I will mess up though.

    Cant wait for your next post. ALMOST 7 pounds in 4 days. WOW. I could do with that!!


  2. hey :) thanks for taking the time to answer my questions :P you are absolutely amzing !!! wish I had a face like that :(

    oh, and here's the link to the test : http://similarminds.com/personality_tests.html click on the advanced test (126 questions).

  3. I hope this visit from your family goes okay! They sound a bit overwhelming! Good luck and stay strong xoxo

  4. Hey, just checked out your blog. I'm living in Italy as well. It's so hard to diet here with all the food... italians dont know exactly how to eat healthy..
    Anyway just thought i'd offer some support, and see if you wanted to chat.
    Think Thin & Starve on
    Love Always,
    Ana's Angel


  5. Click HERE to read why The Bible Belt is the FATTEST and most SINFUL

    Gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins.

    Philippians 3:19 Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.

    Proverbs 23:20-21 Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat, for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags.

    Proverbs 23:2 And put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite
